What kind of foods should I have in my house?
If there is a virus outbreak in your area and you need to decrease your risk of getting sick, it is important that you have food in your home. This will help reduce your risk of infection by allowing you to avoid crowded spaces like grocery stores and drug stores.
It is important for you to have shelf stable food choices to help you follow your kidney diet. Shelf stable means foods that last a long time without spoiling, such as canned foods. It is important to prepare now by stocking up 2-3 weeks’ worth of healthy, kidney friendly foods, fresh water, and medicines. Check with your healthcare professional if you have any questions about your medications.
What should I know about shelf stable foods?
It’s important to keep shelf stable foods on hand to avoid getting sick if an outbreak happens in your area.
- Throw away cans that are opened, dented, or past their expiration date to avoid food poisoning.
- Avoid using salt (and salt substitutes if you have a potassium restriction)
- Keep distilled water on hand (bottles or jugs).
What are some kidney friendly low-sodium items (no potassium or phosphorus restriction)?
Fruits (2-3 servings/day)
- No sugar added canned fruits
- Dried fruit
- Fruit Juice
Vegetables (2-3 servings/day)
- No salt added or low-sodium canned vegetables
- Low-Sodium canned meat
- Tuna
- Salmon
- Meat
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Dried beans and peas
- No sodium added or low-sodium canned beans
- Shelf stable Tofu
- Unsalted Nut butter
- Unsalted Nuts and Seeds
Dairy (2-3 cups/day)
- Dry Milk Solids
- Evaporated milk
- Shelf stable milk alternative (refrigeration required after opened)
- Rice, soy, almond
- Whole grain breads and pastas
- White or brown rice
- Unsalted crackers
- Dry cereals: Low sodium
- Cooked Cereals
- Cream of wheat or rice
- Grits
- Rolled or steel cut oats
- Unsalted butter or margarine
- Low-sodium mayonnaise (single packets)
- Salad or cooking oil
- Animal crackers
- Chewing gum
- Graham crackers
- Hard candy
- Jellybeans
- Vanilla Wafers
- Low-sodium Soups and Broths
- Honey
- Jelly
- Jam