Where & When Can I Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vaccines are being rolled out in a phased approach based on age, health conditions, and job type. If you qualify, the Ohio Department of Health Website makes it easy to find a location to sign up for an appointment. Check these websites for more information.
COVID-19 Vaccine Locations (Ohio Health Department): vaccine.coronavirus.ohio.gov
Test and Protect Website (Find testing sites and vaccination sites): testandprotectcincy.com
Covid 19 Community Resources: covid19communityresources.com
Are you Eligible?
Individuals who are in Phase 1A or 1B are eligible to register and schedule an appointment to receive the vaccine in Ohio. Eligible individuals can schedule through their doctor/health system or local health department from the list of vaccine locations provided.
- Front line hospital staff and healthcare workers
- Residents and staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and veterans homes
- EMS Responders
- Patients and staff at psychiatric hospitals
- People with developmental disabilities and those with mental health disorders who live in congregate living facilities and staff at those locations
- Seniors ages 65-69 (starts Feb. 8)
- Seniors ages 70+ (ongoing)
- Individuals with a developmental disability and qualifying medical condition* (started Jan 25; eligibility managed through County Boards of Developmental Disability Services)
- K-12 teachers and staff (ongoing in Feb.; districts will reach out to schedule based on timing from Ohio Department of Health)
- Individuals with severe congenital, developmental or early-onset, and inherited conditions. List of qualifying conditions include:
- Sickle cell anemia
- Down syndrome
- Cystic fibrosis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Cerebral palsy
- Spina bifida
- People born with severe heart defects, requiring regular specialized medical care
- People with severe type 1 diabetes, who have been hospitalized for this in the past year
- Phenylketonuria (PKU), Tay-Sachs, and other rare, inherited metabolic disorders
- Epilepsy with continuing seizures; hydrocephaly; microcephaly, and other severe neurological disorders
- Turner syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and other severe genetic disorders
- People with severe asthma, who have been hospitalized for this in the past year
- Alpha and beta thalassemia
- Solid organ transplant candidates and recipients
For more information on the vaccine rollout, please visit the Ohio Department of Health’s website at coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/covid-19-vaccination-program
Cincinnati Area Providers
If you have difficulty registering online, please dial 211 from any phone for assistance. Any seniors (ages 60+), who are unable to get a ride to their appointment, can request transport assistance at (855) 546-6352 or sign up online here.